Rust 学习笔记
- crate, a collection of Rust source code files
- immutable varibale, immutable by default
shadowing, mutable varibales can be shadowed
let a = 1 let a = 2
- scalar types, integers, floating-point numbers, booleans and characters
- two’s complement wrapping. i8 when 256 -> 0
- turple and array. turple is a multi types data source with fixed length like array
- (), an empty tuple
- ownership, make memory safely guarantees
- mutation only once, can prevent data races at compile time
borrow as immutable, should not used after borrowed as mutable
data race reason:
- Two or more pointers access the same data at the same time.
- At least one of the pointers is being used to write to the data.
- There’s no mechanism being used to synchronize access to the data.
- reference rule
- any given time, you can have either one mutable ref or any number of immutable refs
- refs must always be valid (no dangling refs)
- all things are private by default
- package -> crate(executable binary) -> module
- deref coercion, turn &s2 to &s2[..]
- trait, interface like